Immigration Review
Each Monday, the Immigration Review podcast reviews the latest published opinions from the U.S. Supreme Court, the Board of Immigration Appeals, and all U.S. Circuit Courts of Appeals—discussing some in depth, providing holdings for others, and always giving practical insights, rummaging through the week’s decisions so you don’t have to.
*Read about your host and the KKTP law firm here: https://www.kktplaw.com/attorney/gregg-kevin-a/
Immigration Review
Ep. 244 - Precedential Decisions from 12/23/2024 - 12/29/2024 (prior adverse credibility & reopening; stolen property aggravated felony; VAWA & hardship reopening; well-founded fear & Brazil; definition of exceptional & extremely unusual hardship)
Singh v. Garland, No. 23-2065 (9th Cir. Dec. 24, 2024)
- prior adverse credibility & motion to reopen; disregarding affidavits; corroborating evidence; falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus; Mann party; Sikh; Badal Party
Chmukh v. Garland, No. 21-1096 (9th Cir. Dec. 23, 2024)
- RCW § 69.50.4013; possession of stolen property aggravated felony; INA § 101(a)(43)(G); particularly serious crime; aggravated felony satisfying N-A-M- first step; dangerousness; issue exhaustion; Ukraine
Magana-Magana v. Garland, No. 23-1887 (9th Cir. Dec. 26, 2024)
- VAWA motion to reopen; jurisdiction; mixed question of law and fact; extraordinary circumstances or extreme hardship to children; exhaustion; sua sponte
Rodrigues v. Garland, No. 23-1776 (1st Cir. Dec. 27, 2024)
- well-founded fear; objective reasonableness; drug dealers in Brazil; political opinion opposition to powerful family
Chacon-Ruiz v. Garland, No. 21-3694 (8th Cir. Dec. 24, 2024)
- motion to reopen for exceptional and extremely unusual hardship; motion to reconsider; children in foster care
Mateo-Mateo v. Garland, No. 23-2694 (7th Cir. Dec. 24, 2024)
- family-related violence-type asylum; harm by family member
Moctezuma-Reyes v. Garland, No. 24-0274 (6th Cir. Dec. 23, 2024)
- legal definition of exceptional and extremely unusual hardship; agency deference post-Loper Bright; star decisis post-Loper Bright; rare hardship
National Immigration Project links:
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See Eps. 1-200